Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hello everyone,
                        Today we started with chapter 6 study guide which is about motion in two dimension. The answers are 
 1. centripetal force
 2. projectile
 3. uniform circular motion
 4. centripetal acceleration
 5. trajectory

                                         PROJECTILE  MOTION
1. To an observer at position A the ball would appear moving straight up and straight down.

2. To an observer at position B the ball would appear moving in straight line.

3. To an observer at position C the ball would appear as an arc (parabola).

4. Throughout its flight,a projectile is constantly being accelerated toward the ground. Vertical vector shrinks until it reaches the top of its flight and then it increases as it approaches the ground. The horizontal velocity vector remains constant throughout its flight. Vertical vector is under the influence of gravity and horizontal vector has no net external force acting on it.

5. Neither rock lands first. Both rocks hit the ground at same time. This is occuring because both are under the same external force that is gravity(g).

6. Time t = ?
     d =8500m
      t=  2d/g
      t=41.64s      answer 

7. Vertical velocity v=?

8. dh=?
    Horizontal velocity v=483km/hr=134m/s 

       Ms.Kzoriz wrote the answers for transparency sheet 6-1 and 2 on whiteboard. The answers for 6-1 are:
1. The magnitude of the ball's velocity vector is smallest at its maximum height.

2. Equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.

3. Equal in magnitude and in direction.

4. The line for horizontal position is a straight line and for vertical position its an arc.

        The answers for 6-2 are:
1. Same vertical vector at each point.

2. Both balls fall at same acceleration.

3. Horizontal motion of red ball does not affect its vertical motion.

4. Vertical interval is greater near the bottom of diagram. Since the time interval between each two picture is same, vertical vector of ball must have increased.

5. Horizontal interval between each two pictures of ball are identical. Since the intervals represent identical time periods. Horizontal vectors of the ball must be constant.

            Ms.Kozoriz talked about upwardly launched projectiles and we started to solve the problems on page 11 PROJECTILE MOTION 2. While doing problems we enjoyed a song Harry the Human Cannonball. Thats all we did in class today. One other important thing is ourshort  momentum test will be on Tuesday not on Monday.

      Its my first blog so if you guys found any mistakes sorry about that.

1 comment:

Ms K said...

Great post! You covered all the points that we did in class.