Sunday, October 3, 2010

Friday - October 1

Friday's physics class was basically a chance for those who missed the momentum lab on Thursday to do and finish the lab.

For those of us who were in class on Thursday, our task was to finish and hand in the lab.

So, reminder to those who didn't finish or forgot to hand in their lab, it is now over due!!

Next thing on our to do list was to check the answers from Wednesday's questions from the duck book.

Basically, to find the momentum from a given force vs. time graph, we find the area under the given line.

If the line creates a triangle, its area can be found using the equation area = (1/5)(base)(height).

If the line creates a rectangle, its area can be found using the equation area = (base)(height).

If the line creates an irregular shape, simply cut up the shape into pieces of triangles and/or rectangles and find each area using the equations from above. (Don't forget to add up all the areas in the end).

The rest of the class should have been spent on doing questions 1 - 4 of the Impulse and Momentum worksheet.

If you did not get a chance to finish it in class, please do it for homework!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!

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