Thursday, September 30, 2010

September 29, 2010


Today in class we finished up the video about Momentum and handed in 5-7 facts about it. Then we went over a few notes on deriving the impulse-momentum equation from Newton's 2nd law.

To go over it, the notes were;

There were also questions in the textbook;
pg287 question 6

pg308-309, questions 50-51

Check Your Answers.
On pg287: Find the impulse:
6. a) 125 N∙s [S]
b) 1875 N∙s [W]
c) 45 N∙s [W]

Pg208-309: Find the Impulse.
50. a) 1750 N∙s
b) 6∙10^-1 N∙s
c) -225 N∙s

51. 22.5 N∙s

*Sorry for the late post.

1 comment:

Ms K said...

Don't be sorry about it being late. You did a great job as scribe!