Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Grade 12 Physics: Dynamics Unit

Hi everyone.

Today in class we went over the 'Free-Body Diagrams' on pages 12 and 13 of the Dynamics booklet. Unfortunately I don't have a scanner. So if anyone has some images of those diagrams, please stick them here:

After that we went over the 'Static Equilibrium Problems' on page 16 and 17. The answers to those questions are:

1. Fg = 42N

2. FT = 980N

3. FT = 346N

4. FT = 281N

5. FT = 57N

On page 15 you'll find the 'Net Force' questions which we also did in class. To do these questions you must find the net force of the forces acting on a box.

Ex: 3N <---O----> 4N
Fnet = 3N, left + 4N, right
Fnet = 1N right

Hint: use the Pythagorean Theorem (c² = a² + b²) for triangular vectors.

1. 0N
2. 1N, right
3. 5N, 53°
4. 5N, 217°
5. 5N, 53°
6. 5N, 217°
7. 10N, 45°
8. 10N 45°
9. 0N
10. 7N, 270°

Lastly we were assigned some problems on page 5 as homework.

1 comment:

Ms K said...

Great job Alex! thanks for scribing today.