Monday, November 1, 2010

Hello Everyone, today we went over the answers of chapter 10 Study Guide page 56 and 57 which are given below;
1. f
2. c
3. a
4. b
5. d
6. e

7. a
8. b
9. b
10. a
11. a
12. a
For each of the situation shown, write the letter next to the number of the correct expression.
13. B,E,F
14. A,D
15. C

16. 30N
17. 0.5m
18. work done
19. 3J

20. a 
21. c
22. e
23. b
24. d
         Those who were absent on Thursday did the lab and the other students were working on chapter 10 Transparency 10-1 (Force, Work and Distance). Ms.Kozoriz helped us solving those questions, the answers are;

1. 150N
2. 8.0m
3. 0-150N as force increases the object moves 3.0m. Between 3-6m a constant of 150N is applied to object. For last 4m force is upward from 150N to 250N.
4. w=f.d
5. w=f.d
          Then Ms.Kzoriz gave us a helpful lecture on Kinetic Energy and Gravitational Potentional Energy. After we performed an experiment on Conservation Of Energy with 3 balls of different sizes and a meterstick. We also get a chapter 11 Transparency11-3 Worksheet in which we have to answer 7 questions.
                      Thats all we did today and also we handed in our lab worksheet on work and power. Unfortunately, tomorrow we dont have a Physics period because its half day. 
                                                                                                              Have a great day,

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