Thursday, December 9, 2010

Magnetic Fields, B


For today in class, first up, Ms. Kozoriz start the class off with a short video clip on Milikan's Oil Drop Experiment.

Then we went over the first 4 questions of the worksheet handed out yesterday, called MOVING CHARGES WORKSHEET. [Please see Amy's previous post for the scans if needed!]

The answers are:

After going over the 4 questions of the worksheet, we watched some few more video clips on magnetic fields, magnetism, magnets and 3 videos for each of the right hand rules.

We then received a worksheet called The Path of a Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field. We were given some time to work on it class, and went over it together after.

Last but not least, we were asked to do questions 8-11 on the Moving Charges Worksheet for tomorrow and we will be going over those questions in class !

Thanks for reading and have a good night ! (:

1 comment:

Ms K said...

Added a title, hope you don't mind.
Thanks for the informative post-you covered it well.