Sunday, December 19, 2010

Friday December 17

On Friday we received new notes on Circuits;
-Transparency 32: Circuits and Circuit Diagrams
-Transparency 33: Series Circuit/Parallel Circuit
-Study Guide 23: Simple Circuits

We also watched some videos on Parallel and Series Circuits as well as a demonstration
Here is a video similar to the demonstration we had:

We also got our Electric and Magnetic Field tests back. Remember to do your corrections and hand them back in to Ms. Kozoriz.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

December 16

Today we started the new unit by looking at Ohm's law and circuits. We also examined circuit diagrams and the symbols that can be found on them and were then assigned a worksheet called Circuit Symbols which we went over in class. A second worksheet, Resistivity Problems, was assigned. This assignment is homework if you didn't finish it in class.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Electric and Magnetic Fields

Hi Guys! today we started class with the questions given by Miss Kozoriz yesterday from the duck book.

75. d=5cm/100=0.05m
E=5.10^3 N/C
V=E.d=2.5.10^2 V

a) F=E.q=5.0.10^-4N
b) Ek=EP
c) m=2KE/v.v=1.6.10^-12 kg

77. delta E= E2-E1=k q1q2/R2-k q1q2/R1=-2.08.10^-19 J

a) q=W/V=1.8.10^-3 C
# of electrons=1.10^16 electrons
b)v2= under root qV/m=6.6.10^-23

a)a=3.0.10^10 m/s. square
b)v=1.2.10^-15 J

81. R=1.9.10^-14m

a)delta dh=0.00025m

a) Fe=Fg

a)v= under root 2qv/m=1.2.10^7m/s
b)v=under root 2deltaEe/3m=7.26.10^6m/s

                               As we've test tomorrow so we reviewed all the topics about Magnetic and Electric Fields. We have test tomorrow on Electric and Magnetic Fields so be prepared and good luck

Magnetic and Electric Field

Hey Classmates!
                          Yesterday we went over the Chapter 27 Review worksheet and the answers are given below:
1. 1.4.10^-4 m
2. 1.7.10^6 m/s
5. 2.63.10^6 m
6.a) 4.3.10^6 m/s
b) 1290 N/C
7. 1.92.10^-25 kg
8. 15m
         We don't need to solve question 3, 4, 9 and 10. Miss Kozoriz gave us back our DARK MATTER and Chapter 21 Lab Worksheet. Then we read Cathode ray tube from duck book page#571 upto end of the chapter and solved questions 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 90, and 91. Miss Kozoriz also announced that our test on MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC FIELD will be on Wednesday.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Electric and Magnetic Fields

Hey Classmates we started from "Moving Charges Worksheet" 
and we went over problem 8 to 11 in the class.

8.v=2.1 . 10^5 m/s
   f=5.6 . 10^-13 N
   B=5.6 . 10^-13/(1.6 . 10^-19)(2.1 . 10^5)

9.v=8.6 . 10^4m/s
    F=(1.2 )(1.6 . 10^-19)(8.6 . 10^)
    F=1.7 . 10^-14N[E] 

10.v=5.0 . 10^5m/s
     F=4.0 . 10^-6N
     B=4.0 . 10^-6/(1.6 . 10^-19)(5.0 . 10^5)
     B=5. . 10^7T [out of the page]

11.v=2.0 . 10^6m/s
    B=5.0 . 10^-2T
    F=4.8 . 10^-14N
    q=4.0 . 10^-14/(5.0 . 10^-2)(2.0 . 10^6)
    q=4.8 . 10^-19C

Miss Kozoriz explain a bit The Mass of an Electron, we read the Green book from page 536-541 for some basic formulas.
We got home work for the Worksheet "Moving Charges" for problems 12-16 and Review Chapter 27. And we have test on Tuesday. Have a nice weekend and prepare for the test.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Magnetic Fields, B


For today in class, first up, Ms. Kozoriz start the class off with a short video clip on Milikan's Oil Drop Experiment.

Then we went over the first 4 questions of the worksheet handed out yesterday, called MOVING CHARGES WORKSHEET. [Please see Amy's previous post for the scans if needed!]

The answers are:

After going over the 4 questions of the worksheet, we watched some few more video clips on magnetic fields, magnetism, magnets and 3 videos for each of the right hand rules.

We then received a worksheet called The Path of a Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field. We were given some time to work on it class, and went over it together after.

Last but not least, we were asked to do questions 8-11 on the Moving Charges Worksheet for tomorrow and we will be going over those questions in class !

Thanks for reading and have a good night ! (:

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hi hi guys! I am back with another scribe post for today. In class today, we first went over the two worksheets that were handed out on Monday called "Electric Potential" and "Physics 40S Electric and Magnetic Fields Assignment." Please click on the picture to see what the worksheets look like if you've missed it. You can ask Ms. Kozoriz for a copy if you didn't get one. If you want to see the steps on how to solve the problem, please come see me :). Otherwise, here are the answers for the worksheets if you can't read my writing:
Electric Potential
1.) 31 J/C (electric potential)
2.) a.) 3.6 x 10^-14 J (potential energy)
b.) 180 J/C (electric potential)
3.) 20,000,000 m/s (velocity)
4.) 3.0 x 10^-4 J (work)
5.) a.) 12 ev (work)
b.) 1.92 x 10^-18J ; 12 ev (energy)
c.) 2.05 x 10^6 m/s (speed)
Physics 40S Electric and Magnetic Fields Assignment
Part 1
Part 2
1.) a.) 3.2 x 10^-15 J (potential energy)
b.) 3.2 x 10^-15 J (kinetic energy)
c.) 8.38 x 10^7 m/s (velocity)
d.) 2.4 x 10^-10 s (time)
e.) 500,000 N/C (electric field)
f.) 8.78 x 10^16 m/s^2 (acceleration)
g.) 2.1 x 10^7 m/s (velocity)
h.) 2.5 x 10^-3 (displacement)
If you have any questions about the answers please come see me :).
Next in class, we were given 3 handouts. The handouts are "Moving Charges Worksheet," "Magnetic Formulae," and a cathode ray diagram that we previously got on Monday. Please click on the pictures to view the handouts.
Moving Charges Worksheet
Part 1
Part 2
Magnetic Formulae
Cathode Ray Diagram
It will be most likely that we will be correcting "Moving Charges Worksheet" tomorrow in class so for those who were in class please have it done and for the absentees, please see Ms. Kozoriz to get a copy.
Basically in today's class, we spent our time correcting the worksheets and were to work on the new ones that were handed out. New material was not taught in today's class so nothing important was missed. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Kozoriz or myself and we will be glad to help you.
Thanks for reading my post :)!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Another scribe post FROM THE PAST (December 3)

By now I can't quite remember exactly what happened in class last friday, but that's why we have imaginations, right?

What I do remember however is going over question 5 from page 420 and questions 15, 16, and 19 from page 428, all from the green textbook. We went on to do a lab on charges, energy, and voltage. For homework we were assigned Electric Fields and Potential and the lab if it wasn't finished.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Hey classmates, today we started with Electric Potential 33-2 worksheet. We hand in our lab sheet and then Ms.Kozoriz explained Electron Volt and Equipotential line. We also discussed "Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy between two charged plates" worksheet. After  that we got 3 worksheet to work on; Appendix 2 -Fields (Illustrative examples), The physics of Cathode Ray Tube and Electric Potential. We'll hand these worksheets on wednesday. Thats all what we did in class.
  Have a great evening!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Scribe post FROM THE PAST (november 30)

Today, we started the unit on electric and magnetic fields by taking a look at Coulomb's Law. Coulomb's Law is simply a way to explain the force acting on one or more small charged objects called point charges by way of calculating the magnitude of the force (or forces) using the formula:

We were then assigned two sheets: one called Coulomb's Law for the sole purpose of better understanding the concepts of the new unit, and another titled Electrical Forces as practice applying this formula that we have definitely not seen in a similar form at any other point in our entire lives.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

In today's class, we first went over the worksheets COULOMB'S LAW (the one where you had to underline the right answer) and ELECTRICAL FORCES.

For COULOMB'S LAW the answers are:
1-b. attraction
1-c. greater, less, 1/4 as much
2-a. doubled
2-b. quadrupled
2-c. quadrupled
2-d. 16 times

For ELECTRICAL FORCES the answers are:
1. -3.6 x 10^10 N (use Fe=kq1q2/R^2)
2-a. 7.80 x 10^-47 N (use Fg=GMm/R^2)
2-b. 8.80 x 10^-8 N (use Fe=kq1q2/R^2)
3. 2.5 x 10^19 electrons (use charge/e)
4. -1.76 x 10^8 C (use given mass/mass of electron)
5-a. 1.76 x 10^-15 N (add the force of each charged objects)
5-b. 2.63 x 10^11 m/s^2 (use a=Fnet/m)

Next we read through our first handout Coulomb's Law in One Dimension, Two Dimensions: Equilateral Triangle, and Two Dimensions: The Square.

To solve problems in one dimension, simply add the charges (like vectors). Don't forget that like charges repel and unlike charges attract.

To solve problems in two dimensions, first find the x and y components of each charge and add them together. Then combine the totaled x and y components by using the pythagorean theorem.

** Like vectors, electrical forces have direction.

Lastly, we were given question 5 on page 420 and questions 15, 16 and 19 on page 423 of the green books for homework!

Coulomb's Law